Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meet Kylee

Meet Kylee!  Kylee is going to be a high school senior this year and I was so lucky to be chosen to take her senior portraits.  We actually had another date planned to take her pictures but when we showed up to our location it started sprinkling on us.  We took a few anyway and started getting eaten alive by mosquitos (which Kylee is allergic to and started swelling up right away) so we ditched that location and took a few elsewhere and rescheduled for the outdoor ones.

Kylee did such a great job.  She was up for anything I tried to get her to do and did it with a smile.  She earned a scoop of ice cream and beverage from Z's Pizza.  Okay, I really wanted some and thought it would be rude not to share. ;)

We had fun, see for yourself...

I'll take "wild" as a compliment, Kylee. ;)  Check her out!!

Thanks for peeking!!


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