Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentine Boys

Valentine's Day came FAST and I realized the day prior to my kids' class parties that we didn't have valentines to give out.  A photographer's solution?  Quick, lets run to the studio!  James wanted to do a valentine where he held his hand out in the picture, punched holes above and below his hand, and stuck an organic lollipop in there.  Admittedly, I would have liked to have taken that shot with a higher f-stop so that his hand was more in focus.  We had to hurry with the shoot because one of the last times Baer was in the studio he managed to make quite the mess so I now limit his studio access time.

Sure enough, Baer was busy as always and I had to bribe him with some Annie's Bunny Crackers to stay on the chair for a few pictures (which is what we stapled to the back of his valentines for his classmates).  I was surprised at how many cute ones we had in the time we took.  The afternoon light was starting to seep in through the window a littler more harshly than I wanted near the end and we called it quits.  Anyway, I may be partial...but aren't they absolutely handsome? 

Below are some more of my favorites.  James had worn a baggy t-shirt to school that day and if you look, you'll notice that both Baer and James are wearing the same shirt for the photos.  James is still bigger than Baer but they are close enough in size they can share shirts sometimes.

Mommy Brag moment: Guess who took the photos of Baer and I together?!?  Yes!  James!!  James loves to take pictures and asked if he could take some of Baer and I.  I slightly reluctantly said yes even though I hadn't showered in a couple days or applied makeup (I may have been wearing mascara but that's all).  I figured he could take a few and the world didn't have to see them.  So take a look because they are really real: my Momma Bear side (minus a photoshopped zit).
I set a large pillow on the (concrete) floor just in know...anything!  He ended up laying on it mostly and shooting up at us which was a neat perspective except for a few I didn't include because my chin looked like there were a few of them!  I briefly reminded him how to use the focus points and to focus on our eyes prior to snapping the shot.  He dreams of becoming a cowboy and owning a ranch, but he'd make a talented photographer too, don't you think?



Ashley February 15, 2013 at 6:31 AM  

Love this so much! Looks like James is a photog in the making!

Jacque Jones February 15, 2013 at 8:26 AM  

I know! I'm thinking I need to home school him and employ him as an intern/associate! Have him earn his dinner! ;)

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